How to Get Rid of Caffeine Headaches

Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

If you love coffee, you’re probably familiar with caffeine headaches. We have all been there—run out of our favorite coffee beans and haven’t had a moment to get to Starbucks and that’s when the headache starts. Headaches occur when there is an increase in blood flow to the brain, which puts pressure on the nerves and leads to you feeling pain.

When it comes to caffeine, there is the right amount that can help you starve off a headache as caffeine naturally narrows your blood vessels and relieves the pressure. This is why most migraine medicine includes caffeine. On the other side, consuming too much caffeine can actually give you a headache, as your body gets used to a certain amount of caffeine each day and when you stop drinking as much the blood flow rushes back to the brain, causing a headache.

To get rid of headaches, firstly start drinking lots of water—caffeine tends to dehydrate you which makes a headache worse, so start your day drinking water instead of coffee.

These headaches might push you to go cold turkey on caffeine, but this is not the best option. Instead, start cutting back slowly. Give your body time to adjust to less and less caffeine per day and the headaches will go too. 200 milligrams of caffeine per day or less is the number you want to aim for.

Also, start using natural energy sources instead of relying on caffeine every day, by sleeping well, getting more sunlight, and doing yoga or meditation.