Fun Winter Activities to Get Your Workout In

During the winter, many people make excuses for skipping workouts. Whether it’s the weather, it gets dark earlier, or just be tired, working out in the winter takes some extra effort. But this time of year happens to be a great way to get exercise in. Instead of weight lifting, running, or cycling, head outside and enjoy these fun winter workouts. You’ll forget you’re actually exercising.

Cross-Country Skiing

Now that it’s snowing, don’t stay inside. Take advantage of nature’s beauty and hit the slopes. Skiing is physically demanding and it takes a lot of endurance.

Ice Skating

Ice skating is a hallmark of winter and it’s a great low-impact activity your whole family can enjoy. You’ll feel your legs and core working as your try to stabilize yourself while you skate around the rink.

Ice Hockey

If you like competition, grab some friends for a game of ice hockey. You’ll have a ton of fun while burning lots of calories.

Snowball Fights

We loved snowball fights as kids, so why wouldn’t we enjoy them as adults? While throwing snowball you’ll get an arm and core workout and while dodging them you’ll get a leg workout.

Pulling Sleds

Grab the rope of the sled and pull your kids across the snow for an amazing leg, core, and upper body workout.