Tag: winter fitness

Winter walks
Staying active in the winter is quite a conundrum and even reaching the recommended 10,000 steps per day might seem impossible. If you’re struggling to hit this number once cold and gloomy days arrive, this brief guide will help you increase your daily step count in no time. Step Out...
HIIT workout
Slow and steady often wins the race, yet it’s hard to break a sweat without high intensity. When feeling unmotivated in the cold weather, slower routines such as weight lifting take more time for a satisfying payoff. Here are some workouts that are sure to keep the heart rate...
During the winter, many people make excuses for skipping workouts. Whether it's the weather, it gets dark earlier, or just be tired, working out in the winter takes some extra effort. But this time of year happens to be a great way to get exercise in. Instead of weight...

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