Easy and Effective Mindfulness Activities to Practice Right Now

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

You don’t have to have an abundance of free time to practice mindfulness. You can enjoy its benefits by taking just a few minutes out of your day to center yourself. Here are three easy and effective mindfulness activities you can do right now.

Gratitude List

Writing a gratitude list is a wonderful way to refocus your energy so that you feel more positive. When the going gets tough, it can be difficult to remember the good things, and writing a list of the things you are grateful for can remind you that it’s not all bad.

Follow Your Breath

Breathing is something we do all the time and by focusing on your breath, you can recenter yourself and get back in sync with your body. Take deep breaths and feel where they are coming from. Are you breathing from your chest or from your belly? Move your breaths across your body and take deliberate belly breaths to release stress and anxiety.


Say What You See

Saying what you see can be a powerful tool for grounding yourself when your thoughts start to spiral. Look around and name three things you can hear, two things you can see, and one sensation you feel. Doing this increases your awareness of your environment and your body, recentering you in the moment.