
Usually, most people think of exercising at the beginning of the year. But rarely will they stick to the resolution. If you just thought of hitting the gym and you’re serious about it, don’t let the idea fade away before you achieve your goal. Digest these facts about exercising and...
If you enjoy exploring wellbeing trends from all around the world such as Danish Hygge or Japanese Ikigai, you'll love Còsagach. It comes from Scottland and it affects every aspect of one's life, making it richer and more enjoyable. The best time for còsagach is winter, but you can start...
Even though most kids learn another language in school, not many are very inspired to continue learning a foreign language. But, it can really help you, in the long run, to know a second language, whether it be for work, travel, or just being able to connect with more...
Food and passion go hand in hand. There’s something passionate about cooking and enjoying food, and books about food and romance can be nearly as enjoyable. The books below are perfect for a relaxed night at home or a peaceful day on the beach - whatever you prefer, as long...
We all wish we lived in a forever summer world. Sadly, the fall is a month away. If you're still in holiday mode, you have four weeks to travel, have fun and do all the interesting activities you've been planning for all year. County Fair with Friends There are dozens of...
No matter how carefully you choose the cosmetics you buy, sometimes you still end up with a product you will not use, at least not for its primary purpose. Here's how you can use up some of the items that are sitting on your shelf. Face Toner for Cleaning Laptop Alcohol-based...
Having a cluttered home can really prevent you from being calm and relaxed when you need it the most. The tricky part is that we accumulate things slowly over time, so we often don’t notice that it’s just too much. To make things worse, cluttered homes are more difficult to...
Hygge, a Danish/Norwegian concept of coziness and comfortable living, is typically a fall/winter thing. It's hygge to light up a few candles, cuddle with a comfy blanket, and wrap up the day with a good book. If you're missing hygge during the summer, here's how you can achieve it. Up Your...
There are so many things written about the importance of clean eating, but clean living is almost unmentioned. But, clean living has a significant importance. Make your home a clean-living space and your life will change for the better. Detoxifying your home doesn’t need to take you much time as...
Drinking water is one of the most basic necessities for sustaining life. Although we think of it as something that is very mundane on a daily basis, drinking enough water is one of the most crucial things you can do for your body every day. Some people have a...

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