Lifestyle There is a lot of research to show that our bodies do not like waking up to alarms. The sound is unpleasant and actually really stressful for our bodies, which is not a good way to start the day. So, by setting your alarm for 5 minutes before you...
The stay-cation has gotten more and more popular in the last few years, and it's been helping a lot of people have a great vacation without spending too much money. A stay-cation is when you're off from your work or other daily responsibilities, but instead of going on vacation...
It’s no secret you can exercise without actually hitting the gym. As a matter of fact, you can burn a lot of calories without even leaving your house! These everyday activities will help you keep your body moving even when you're not intentionally trying to exercise. Cleaning Most of us would rather...
Fancy yourself a micro-influencer? Micro-influencers only need to have over 1,000 followers for companies to start giving them freebies and actual cash to promote their products. If the influencer life and the perks that come with it sound up your street, follow these 5 tips for getting more followers...
If you have a job or go to school early in the morning, the last thing you probably think about is making your bed. But, in reality, starting your day by making your bed is more beneficial than you think. If you need a little push, read these reasons...
Tulum is one of the hottest spots right now for a getaway. This Mexican gem will take your breath away not only because of its white sandy beaches, but also because of its numerous luxury resorts. The Beach Tulum The first thing you need to know about this place is...
Whether you're someone who spends hours on social media or watches a lot of YouTube videos, most everyone is consuming a lot of information on a daily basis in this day and age. Since we are consuming so much, it can start to get a little overwhelming, so it's...
Women’s History Month is the perfect time to discover amazing new female writers, and find time for timeless classics you’ve been wanting to read forever. If you’re having a hard time coming up with ideas on your own, we’re bringing you four books that are especially relevant in 2019. Michelle...
Post-wedding photos usually follow a similar formula, but not when Marianna Zampieri is the one behind the camera. She specializes in taking photos of newlyweds with their adorable cats. Zampieri describes herself as catographer, and she spent years taking photos of kitties on the streets of Venice. She also enjoys...
Whether you like to live a plant-based lifestyle or close to it, most people know the typical ways to get protein. Nuts, legumes, and soy are the most well-known culprits, but there are actually a lot of other ways to get protein that a lot of people don't think...

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