DIY & Crafts

Candle jars
If you love scented candles, then you probably have a few old candle jars lying around. There are a few ways these pretty jars can be reused. First, Clean The Jar Well Before you use the empty candle containers for anything, it's unimportant that you clean them out perfectly and remove...
Patchy jean jacket
Summer always brings countless new fashion trends our way, and you don’t have to spend a fortune to embrace some of them. Several trendy items we’re seeing everywhere this summer have incredible DIY potential, and here are three you can easily make on your own. Crochet Pieces Crochet clothes and accessories...
DIY projects are all fun and games until you come to the point where it becomes crystal clear that you won’t be able to pull them off. Instead of quitting your DIY adventure after putting in a lot of work, pay attention to these major signs that can help...
Tips for DIY projects
DIY projects are all fun and games until you actually start working on them and realize they require much more time than you expected. Perfectly timing your DIY projects can be the deciding factor of their success, and here are three ways it can impact them. Time = Money Certain DIY...
DIY seashell projects
Summer is finally upon us, and shells are, once again, one of the must-have décor items to have in your home. Buying them at your local Target is always an option, but if you want to give your shell décor a personal touch, check out these amazing DIY tutorials. Shell...
DIY projects for Pinterest fans
Are you one of those people who spend full days looking for home décor inspiration on Pinterest? If that’s the case, you probably stumbled upon countless items that you can’t afford or can’t find at your local home stores, but YouTuber Lone Fox will help you make them yourself. 7...
Ask yourself this: when was the last time you sat down and wrote something (anything!) by hand? Now try recalling the last time you received a carefully written note or a handwritten, mail delivered, letter. It might not be intuitive these days to take a step back from the keyboard...
Wood table
There is nothing worse than accidentally putting down a hot cup of tea on your favorite antique wooden furniture. Although you might be in a panic, relax! There are plenty of ways to get your wood back to its glory days with these simple hacks. Baking Soda Baking soda is...
Squiggly décor. The latest design trend.
Squiggly home décor items are showing up everywhere right now, but the downside of their huge popularity is the high prices of certain items. If you want to welcome wavy décor into your life without spending too much, these DIY tutorials will get you there. Twisted Candles Twisted candles are super...
Hand soap
Making natural products at home is much easier than you think. You can always find a recipe that includes ingredients you already have and you can even get creative with substitutes. Ingredients: 1/2 cup distilled water1 tablespoon sweet almond oil15 drops tea tree essential oil1/2 cup liquid castile soap1 tablespoon...

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