
You've scheduled your spring cleaning, but what can you do to make your home extra comfy after you clean it? Add some new decor, of course! With spring being just around the corner, it's time to plan and pick items that will make you happy every day and make your...
When it comes to the current trends in interior design, pink is pretty much everywhere. One particular shade stands out and it’s often called “Millennial Pink” or “Tumblr Pink”. Pink is the color with a huge historical background. The popular opinion that “pink is for girls while blue is for...
Concept stores are specially crafted boutiques that combine culture with the business of selling merchandise. You can think of it as being akin to a special exhibition at an art gallery; in this sense, the merchandise being sold falls under a certain concept (go figure), theme, or lifestyle that...
Concept stores are specially crafted boutiques that combine culture with the business of selling merchandise. You can think of it as being akin to a special exhibition at an art gallery; in this sense, the merchandise being sold falls under a certain concept (go figure), theme, or lifestyle that...
Thanks to social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, as well as genius blog posts on how to decorate on a budget, IKEA hacks, and more, interior design is much more democratized and accessible than it's ever been before. Great design for your home doesn't need to cost you...
Social media—and Instagram in particular—isn't just a way to show the world your outfit of the day, the avocado toast you ate for breakfast, and for pictures of stunning (yet repetitive) sunsets. For some people and companies, Instagram functions as a creative professional portfolio of sorts, allowing professionals to...
Design is among the most creative jobs a person can do today. Web design, fashion design, interior design, they all involve a lot of teamwork, new ideas, fresh perspectives and combining old and new. In the world of everlasting creative exchange, it’s important to stay inspired. You don’t have to...
Instagram has undoubtedly changed the careers of countless interior designers, in many thanks due to the app's emphasis on pretty imagery as well as its status as a democratic platform free for any and all users to peruse. In addition to Pinterest, Instagram is the preferred social media platform...

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