Best Exercises For Losing Stubborn Arm Fat

A trainer shows how to work the arms
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Losing stubborn arm fat can be difficult, but these powerful arm exercises will help you get rid of those flabby arms and tone your arm muscles pretty quickly. Most of these exercises can be done at home so make sure to check them out.

Triceps Dips

This is one of the most effective arm exercises that will help activate your tricep muscles, but if done correctly it can also strengthen your chest and shoulders, activate the core and improve your posture.

Tricep Extensions

Tricep extension is an easy but powerful move that will activate the back of your upper arm and help you build arm strength so make sure to include it in your workout routine.


Push-ups are part of every workout routine for good reason. They target multiple muscle groups at once and are great for toning arms.

One-Arm Side Push-Up

If you’re bored of doing classic push-ups, this challenging and powerful variation is great for improving arm strength and burning fat.

Bent-Over Row

Even though this weight training exercise primarily works the back muscles, it can also do wonders for your arm muscles and help you lose arm fat.