You Should be Watching Cooking Competition Shows With Your Kids!

Competition cooking shows are super fun to watch, especially if you love to cook. But, if you want your kids, the kids you babysit, or any other kids in your life to be more involved in the kitchen or at least try new things, watching competitive cooking shows with them can really help you out!

Builds Intrigue

When kids see people cooking in a competitive environment, it makes it seem like a big deal and very cool. This will help build their intrigue into the world of cooking because they see that cooks and chefs are usually pretty wild and can be super famous as well!


Any show would be good for a kid to watch, but it makes an even bigger impact if you watch one where the kids are cooking, like Chopped Junior, the Kids Baking Championship, Masterchef Junior, etc. This gives them a clear picture of how you can cook at any age, and it’s a great way to motivate them.

Learning Ingredients

Watching competitive cooking shows will also help teach kids about all the different ingredients out there, what they taste like, and how to cook them! This will hopefully help them try new things and expand their horizons and palette!