As we go through the ups and downs of life, we’re often faced with all kinds of challenges. A great portion of those challenges often deal with the unknown—which can be scarier than many other things. Worrying about the future, and everything it details, is a common thing people do. And while it can be hard to stop, here’s why you should really try to put a stop to it.
It Doesn’t Change Anything
We, as humans, try to give ourselves the illusion of having control. Funnily enough, we do this most during periods when we’re so clearly without it. We may worry to protect ourselves from the worst possible outcome, but unfortunately this doesn’t change the outcome. Whether the outcome is positive of negative, us worrying about it isn’t going to change it. So why not just try and relax in the mean time?
Worrying is a State of Mind
Worrying is a state of mind that may not necessarily go away even if the outcome is positive. Our state of mind will be what it is regardless of external occurrences, unless of course we work hard to change it. Thus, don’t focus on outside stimuli to determine how you feel. Rather, decide it on your own, and work on yourself to attain that goal regardless of outside circumstances.