When you’re traveling, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration when you’re trying to get around within a city. You have to find out how good public transportation is, how far would it be to walk, and how much a taxi would cost. However, there are now even more options that are actually really cool and unique. If you are traveling in a big city and you want a new way to make your way around, try one of these new ideas!
Mobike is a Chinese company that has bikes all over the world, from Florence to Tel Aviv. This company is a bike sharing one, where you just need to scan a barcode on the app to unlock the bike, then you have a set amount of time to ride for usually a very low price. Also, the bikes can be a bit heavy, it’s a fun and very inexpensive option to have while traveling.
This company has really gotten a following since it’s inception. Instead of bike sharing, it’s electric scooter sharing! Unlike the Razors we rode as kids, Birds are electric, making you feel like an actual grown-up kid. They can be a bit more expensive, but still so reasonable.