This Treat is Perfect to Make With Kids

Image via sinkingintothemap/Instagram

Cooking with kids is such a good way to teach them life skills, put their math and logic to use, and help them better understand how to read directions. Starting off with something that doesn’t have a lot of ingredients or steps along with ingredients that are familiar to them will make the process that much easier. These cereal treat snacks are the perfect recipe to try that will not only satisfy their sweet tooth but yours as well.


The great thing about this recipe is that it’s completely customizable. Whatever cereal you happen to have on hand is what you will use for the recipe. Other than that, just marshmallows and butter are needed to complete this treat.


  1. Melt the butter and marshmallows together either on the stovetop or in thirty-second intervals in the microwave
  2. Once they are melted, stir in the cereal and coat well
  3. Pour into a greased baking pan and wait for it to cool completely
  4. Cut into whatever shapes you want and enjoy!

If you want to take this treat to the next level, you can dip it in chocolate, cover it in sprinkles, or do both! You can also use a cookie cutter to make fun shapes and designs.