The Top Mistakes Everyone Makes When Doing Stomach Crunches

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

If you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard abs, then you’ve got to perfect the art of the stomach crunch. Check out this list of the most common mistakes to avoid when doing stomach crunches.

Too High

One extremely common assumption beginners make is that you need to come all the way up while doing stomach crunches. This is not true. You only need to lift yourself to about halfway towards a sitting position. Any more than this, and you are putting pressure on your spine in an unhealthy way.

Too Fast

One of the most common mistakes is to swing up and down as fast as possible. Though it may feel impressive, it’s actually not the correct way to get the most benefits. The crunch should be a slow, controlled movement, to really engage your muscles.

Too Many

Another temptation many beginners to stomach crunches have, is to do as many as possible. This is not actually good for your body as it turns into an endurance test or a race, whereas it should be a smooth, controlled movement. Focus on the quality of your crunches, not the quality.

Lifting Feet Off the Floor

Now, we are not talking about the type of crunches where your legs are raised in the air. But, when you are doing crunches with your feet on the floor, it’s very important to keep them still, otherwise, you are not actually getting the necessary challenge to your ab muscles.