Taking Care of Your Hair During Different Seasons

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Your hair care routine shouldn’t be the same all year round. First of all, your hair quickly gets used to certain products, so switching up regularly is a good idea. And while you’re switching, make sure you’re always picking just the right products for the season.

As the seasons go by, so does your hair change. In fact, there are 5 different seasons your hair goes through, much like there are 5 seasons in the Chinese medicine. They are all represented by one of the elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The seasons are spring, summer, late summer, autumn, and winter.

Your hair care should follow these five seasons in the following way.

Spring: water and growth

Spring is the time when everything in nature is growing. Give your hair a detox inside and out. Your shampoo should have clay as one of the ingredients.

Summer: fire and energy

In the summertime, your hair is exposed to many harmful factors like sun, dry air, salt, sweat, etc. You probably wash your hair more often in the summer, so make sure it stays hydrated and protected. Don’t forget the UV product!


Late summer: earth and cleansing

This is the second cleaning period when you can expect some dandruff. Exfoliate once a week for the best results. You can use natural ingredients such as sugar or cornstarch.

Autumn: metal and minerals

This is the period when your hair needs special care. You can expect your hair to be drier than normal so nourish it with clay masks and make sure it’s always hydrated!


Winter: water and liquids

Cold air and other winter conditions won’t help your hair stay healthy and shiny, so you need to do some extra work. A scalp massage twice a month will help. Your winter shampoo should have oils, and the most effective ones are macadamia oil, jojoba oil, avocado butter, shea butter, etc.