Tag: Summer Workout

It's tough to stay in shape at any time of year, but in summer it's particularly hard when all you want is to stay cool. Luckily, working out doesn't have to involve a lot of fast movements and sweating. Low-impact workouts that strengthen muscles, promote flexibility, and improve coordination...
If you find yourself overstaying your welcome at the beach, you may head back home with nasty sunburns. It’s always best to take a couple of rest days and avoid the sunlight when that happens, but what if you still want to hit the gym? Avoid Overheating It’s crucial to avoid...
Warmer days are finally upon us, and they’re providing us with many ways to make our workouts more fun and enjoyable. If you’re trying to get out of the gym and have a change of scenery, beach workouts may be just the thing for you. Here’s why you should...

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