Tag: skincare

Infamous dark circles under eyes are a problem many women are facing. Why do we even have them? For many reasons, such as sleep deprivation, unhealthy food, and genetics. If you suffer from dark circles, it’s likely that the concealer has become your best friend. But is there something...
We all have our own skincare routines that are different in some ways, but they mostly include the same steps: cleaning, toning, moisturizing, and occasional masks. Many women include a scrub, too. But how do you properly scrub your face? Scrubbing is essential for removing dead cells from the surface...
Before you step into open-toed footwear it's necessary to prepare your feet properly. You probably want your feet to look their best in those new sandals, so you've gathered a stash of foot creams and masks to help you with that. But before moisturizing the skin, do this simple...
Who among us doesn't want to have perfect, smooth skin? While we do everything we can to take proper care of our skin, some of our habits can actually work against it, making it look older than it is. We've listed these mistakes for you so you can learn...
Girls all over the world are experiencing the quarter-life skin crisis: their skin suddenly starts breaking out as they enter their mid-20s for no apparent reason. Just when you think you're done with face problems when you grew out puberty, this unpleasant surprise hits. What's it about? Hormonal Problems The main...
Our skin is affected by numerous factors and it all shows over time. Sleep deprivation, exposure to sun, stress, not eating healthy, it all accounts for skin problems. The beauty industry promises to help women solve their skin problems, but often falls short of keeping the promise. That's why...
Vitamin E is an amazing vitamin with incredible natural properties including preventing free radicals from wreaking havoc on your body. With the many benefits found in vitamin E, it's essential to keep stock of for both the inside and outside of your body. Found out how to use it...
With each seasonal change, you need to adjust your skincare regime. Your skin reacts completely different to cold winter and warm spring, so let's learn what you can do to make it easier for your skin to adapt to the warmer weather. Exfoliate The first step towards clean, dewy complexion is...
A targeted skin care routine is essential for everyone, but the needs of our skin change as we age. Here are some tips for what you should do at what age ... In your 20s You probably take care of basics by cleansing and moisturizing, but starting to look after your...

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