Tag: physical activity

Man staying physically active in the winter
On Saturday, Akulina Bakhturina, the senior coach of the international network of ballet and stretching studios LEVITA, shared her insights on how to engage in sports during the winter, as reported by Izvestia. According to Bakhturina, despite the colder weather, individuals can continue with most familiar types of physical...
Older couple taking exercise together outdoors
A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that Americans over the age of 40 could potentially extend their lifespan by more than five years by increasing their physical activity to match that of the most active quartile of the population. According to the research,...
While going to the gym and working out during your travels doesn't seem like much of a vacation, it's possible to stay active without doing these things. There are ways to stay active while traveling that don't require setting aside much time for exercising. Here are five ways to...

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