Tag: green

If you are looking for ways to have a healthier diet, green leaves and vegetables are the best solution for you. Apart from their wonderful taste, they offer countless health benefits. Blood Circulation Green leaves like lettuce, parsley, coriander, and dill, are rich in chlorophyll. The greener the food, the more...
If you’re one of those people who feel like every plant they take home is struggling to stay alive within days, these plants are for you. They’re super low maintenance and will liven up your home all winter long. ZZ Plant This plant is perfect for even the laziest of us....
If you are someone who is concerned about the environment, it can be difficult to justify traveling in a plane because it is so harmful to the earth. But, sometimes you just have to fly somewhere and there's no other solution. Even though you have to fly, it doesn't...
Maintaining a green lifestyle when you're on the road or even just on vacation is difficult, even if you do it in your normal day-to-day life. However, continuing to be environmentally conscious while traveling is essential because you still need to be conscious of the environment. More than that, you...
If you are trying to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, food storage can be a bit difficult. Some people grew up on plastic wrap and aluminum foil, so breaking that habit can seem impossible. Luckily, there are so many ways to keep your food fresh without having to use...
Plastic is something to be avoided at all times, especially when it comes in single-use items like cutlery and water bottles. Not only is it better for the environment to use reusable water bottles, it also saves you money by not having to purchase water everywhere you go. Especially...
Mankind is racing full-speed into the future, and amidst all the talk of drones and AI, something as equally cool but not as frequently talked about is coming very soon. Futuristic cities used to be something that was only imagined in films, but those fantastical ideas have turned into real...

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