Tag: fashion

Shoes have the power to give any outfit a new tone and dimension, so its no wonder so many girls love having a variety of shoes to choose from every day. As the summer approaches its end, you can steal a little bit of sunshine with bright yellow shoes. Pink...
When September comes, we have to admit the summer is nearly over. No matter the temperatures outside, it's becoming clear that warm days won't last for much longer as the days are getting shorter and shorter. If you have any summer clothes that didn't have their turn yet, don't wait...
You don’t need to change your entire wardrobe in order to feel refreshed for the new season. A few key pieces will be enough to give you plenty of new options for fabulous outfits, so it’s now time to plan and shop for them. Read on to learn about the...
A girl's closet is not complete without dresses in various prints. This fall, more than ever, we'll see print dresses everywhere. It's time for you to learn about the trendiest prints and to prepare for the shopping craze. It may come as a surprise that animal print and plaid are...
Despite numerous new trends we get from season to season, some things never go out of style. Combination of jeans and blazer makes up for a perfect business casual look you can use in many different occasions. It can effortlessly go from day to night, depending on the shoes...
After a bright, colorful summer, it's easy to see the fall style as a combination of earthy colors that easily blend into the background. Don't fall for this trap if you have a wedding to go to - pick an outfit that will make you look your best ever...
When it comes to picking outfits, the general rule of thumb you should always follow is - wear those in which you feel amazing. Still, there are some other rules worth considering, and today we're talking about tips for short girls who want to dress to look taller. Show Off...
Slip-on slide sandals are back in fashion now. From Givenchy to Gucci, everyone has their interpretation of this classic sporty sandal. If you are looking to get this look but not drop a ton of dough, make it yourself at home! This is such an easy DIY project to achieve,...
We're in the middle of the summer and it's already clear by now which trends are the most popular on Instagram (and on the streets) this year. If you're still brainstorming the best outfits to finish the summer in style, below is your ultimate trendy inspiration. Knot Tops Knot tops look...
Each season we witness new trends that become an instant obsession. And if you are one of those fashionistas who always want to look good, you're probably here to follow them. Blouses and tops with puff sleeves will elevate your style during hot summer days. Check out the cool...

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