Major Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Pillow

Photo by Nik Lanús on Unsplash

Most of us tend to stick to our favorite pillow longer than we should, but there comes a time to say goodbye. If you’re debating whether you should let go of your old pillow or not, here’s a couple of signs that it belongs in the trash.

Neck Pain

If you stuck to the same pillow for too long, it will offer you less neck support, and you’ll end up waking up with a sore or stiff neck.

Lumpy Form

Your pillow will become lumpy as the materials inside it start to decay, so consider getting a smoother one when that happens.

Strange Odor

Over a prolonged period of time, your pillow will accumulate sweat, body oils and dead skin, and putting it inside a washing machine won’t solve the problem.

Bend Test

If your pillow doesn’t come with the expiration date, you can do a bend test to see if it’s still good to go. Fold it in half and see if it will snap back into original shape right away, but consider getting a new one if that’s not the case.