Kokedama is the Minimalist Plant You Need

You’ve probably come across this unique looking plant at some point scrolling through the Pinterest. “Koke” translates to moss in Japanese while “dama” means ball. This style of Japanese Bonsai is becoming widely popular for its intricate planting style and its versatility.

You can keep one on your desk or even hang it from the wall! It doesn’t need much tending to as it only drinks water every three to five days. Whether you possess a green thumb or are a low-maintenance plant lover, a Kokedama is a lovely addition to your plant collection.


The Minimalist Plant

The Japanese culture is known for their intricate designs and minimalist style, thus the Kokedama was created to be as low maintenance as possible. Suspended Kokedamas can help to increase space and fit nicely in any area of your house.

What’s it Made Of?

The base of the plant is a mix of bonsai soil, peat moss, and clay that’s rolled into a ball. A hole is dug into the middle where the plant and its roots are tucked inside. The outer layer is then held together by twine or hemp wire.

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【生命的藝術:日式苔玉球手工課】 日式苔玉球 (Kokedama),是無器皿盆景藝術,日式盆景中一種重要的造景手法,以青苔混合植料包裹各種姿態瓏玲的袖珍花木,或古樸或簡潔、或精緻或天然去雕飾,適於各種場所,養護簡單、高雅。 Gigiflorist 這次邀請了The Stalk Room 創辨人暨環境設計師 Maurice Chia 設計了一系列適合都市人的園藝課程,第一課是日式苔玉球,毋須器皿,通過植物,讓自然生命力與你鏈接、與你協調,療愈身心,賦予生活內涵和故事性。 日式苔玉球手工課詳情: 7月27日(六) 上午11-1點、下午3-5點 7月28日(日) 上午11-1點、下午3-5點 8月3日(六) 上午11-1點、下午3-5點 8月4日(日) 上午11-1點、下午3-5點 (自組可另約日期時間,3人起) $880,包括所有工具使用、材料、植物、成品、導師費。 由環境設計師 Maurice Chia教授,廣東話附以英語教授 〈同行優惠〉 二人同行,首位8折 三人同行,首位7折 四人以上同行,首位6折 *優惠不能同時使用 Maurice Chia Portfolio: 從事高端時尚及創意工作超過20年,近年創立The Stalk Room,銳意把植物的生命搬進城市,讓大家多一份自然的氣息,生活多添一份愜意。The Stalk Room 服務過的客戶包括City of Dreams 新濠天地, LVMH Group, Marc Jacobs, Lane Crawford 等 查詢及報名: Tel / Whatsapp: 98762977 (Gigiflorist) / 63162331 (The Stalk Room) Facebook/ Instagram: gigiflorist / thestalkroom #gigiflorist #thestalkroom #lifestyle #慢活 #weekend #summercourse #weekendactivities #giftidea #urbangreen #kokedama #苔玉 #livingart #greenlife #greentherapy #hobby #gardeninghobby #greenhobby #botanicalworkshop #planteriordesign #hongkongflorist #香港花店 #floristry #訂製 #植物 #園藝課程 #workshop #工作坊 #園藝班

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