Up Your Bedroom Feng Shui

Nothing is worse than a drab, boring bedroom that you don’t want to hang out in. On the flip side, you just can’t beat a beautiful bedroom with serious chill vibes. If you’re looking for ways to up your bedroom feng shui, we’ve got some tips for you.


No Screens or Workout Equipment

While working out may be great for you, having the equipment in your room brings stressful energy into the space. The same goes for TVs and computers.

Good Air Quality

Let some breeze in by opening a window or investing in a nice air purifier. Either way, just make sure you have good ventilation.


Bed Positioning

3 guidelines: 1) Leave both sides of the bed easily approachable (if you have space), 2. Avoid placing the bed in a direct line with the door, and 3. Make sure your bed is adorned with nice-looking sheets, a headboard, and a comfortable mattress.


Feng shui recommends “skin colors” (i.e. colors ranging from white to chocolate brown) for good energy flow and restorative sleep.



Decorate the walls with images that make you happy or that you perceive as giving off nourishing and joyful energy.
