How to Travel as a Vegan

Photo by Mariana Montes de Oca on Unsplash

If you are a vegan, sometimes traveling can be limiting. If you’re going somewhere that has a big culture of eating meat or dairy products it can be difficult to find types of food that are available for you. But, just because you’re diet is different, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stop exploring the world! Here are some simple tips about how to travel as a vegan.


If you’re going somewhere where English is not the native language or if many people don’t speak English, learn some words to ask people at restaurants. Some good things to know are of course vegan, meat, and cheese. You can also use hand gestures when asking to get an idea of the dishes are vegan or not.


Before you go somewhere, look up and see if there are any vegan or vegetarian restaurants. You can also see if there are any specific cuisine restaurants that can be vegan, like Middle Eastern or Asian.

Grocery Stores

You may have to improvise with meals and go grocery shopping while you’re on vacation. Bring a container with you so you can prepare meals before you leave for the day to make sure you’ll have something to eat just in case.