How to Stay Fit While Binge-Watching Netflix

Many people can’t imagine going through a day without watching Netflix, but that doesn’t necessarily make them couch potatoes. Try these three easy tricks to turn your binge-watching sessions into an essential part of your healthy lifestyle.

Light Exercise

Watching your show while running on a treadmill isn’t the only way to stay active while watching Netflix. You can also do a couple of easy exercises that won’t distract you from looking at the screen.

Healthy Snacks

Snacks and Netflix go hand-in-hand, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to eat a bag of Doritos every time Orange is the New Black is on. Opt for healthier, but equally tasty options like fruits and veggies or sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

House Chores

Let’s face it – you’ve already seen Friends more times than anyone should, and you already know the whole thing by heart. It wouldn’t hurt to wash your dishes or dust your living room while the show you’re already familiar with plays in the background.