Heart Attack Symptoms For Women Are Not What You’d Expect


A heart attack happens to someone every 43 seconds, but would you know what to look for if one was about to strike? Sure, chest pain can be an indicator, but some symptoms in women can be quite subtle and often go ignored.

Misconceptions About Heart Attacks

According to the American Heart Association, dramatic Hollywood-style depictions of heart attacks are not as common as you might think. The truth is symptoms can come in the form of indigestion, trouble sleeping, and even jaw pain.

Take a look at these less-discussed heart attack symptoms to recognize the signs and reduce your risk.

Trouble Sleeping

Waking up tired and fatigued can be cause for concern. If the heart cannot keep up with the blood supply in the pulmonary veins, it can cause fluid to leak into the lungs. This fluid can cause shortness of breath; which can cause sleep disturbances throughout the night.


Upset Stomach

Persistent tummy troubles could signal heart problems. Heart failure can cause abdominal swelling, which results in indigestion, diminished appetite, and vomiting. According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2003, 39 percent of women reported these symptoms.

Unexplainable Pain

Pain in the jaw, back, neck, or arms is more common for women than men. It can appear and disappear quickly, or it can linger before it get’s extreme. It might seem unrelated to heart problems, but any atypical or unexplained pain should be reported to a doctor.


Don’t Wait To Seek Help

Women typically delay visiting the emergency room, but waiting could be the difference between life and death. Although you might believe your symptoms will pass or don’t require immediate medical assistance, the risk is too high — especially when it comes to heart attacks, which you now know can take many forms.