Give Your Trip to Japan a Salty Twist With These Traditional Foods

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Japan is an amazing island nation full of culture, history, and legendary cuisine. Japan is known for doing a lot of things differently, including how they use salt. The way the Japenese season their food is so unique that it is really worth looking into when you visit. Adding a salty element to your food enhances the flavor, and trying these salty Japanese items will do the same for your trip!


Miso is a fermented soybean paste that is generally used in soups. However, miso is used in other applications in Japan in order to bring salt to a dish, so make sure you try some good miso!

Soy Sauce

Regular store-bought soy sauce even in Japan is aged only about 3 months. There are a few companies in Japan that are making soy sauce in a traditional manner and letting them age for several years, so try to get your hands on it if you can!


Seaweed is another seasoning agent that is obviously salt because it comes from the ocean. Seaweed is used in many ways in Japan, including to actually make crystalized salt! The salt is called moshio, and the process to make it is very specific.