These Food Trends Will Be Everywhere in the Next Few Months!

Image via eternal_love_xx/Instagram

Trends are a funny thing. They occur everywhere – in fashion, design, music, and even food. Here are the latest food trends we caught around the web for you to try out this spring.

Sparkling Coffee

This refreshing beverage usually combines coffee, fresh juice, and carbonation for a unique taste and feeling. Find it at the nearest grocery store.

Geode Cookies

A follow-up on the huge trend that is geode cakes, geode cookies are quite easy to make and they look perfect on your Instagram profile!


What happens when you make risotto from pasta? You get a tasty dish in a fraction of the time needed to cook up a risotto. Try it out!

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#pastasotto #vegetarian #healthyfood #tasty

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Remember the cronut craze? Turns out, croissants can be cross-bred with tacos, too! Up for a portion of buttery puff pastry filled with your favorite taco filling?

Japanese Cheesecake

Japanese cheesecake doesn’t have much in common with the cheesecake you know and love, but it’s equally delicious and not too complicated to make.