Easy Tips to Humidify Your House Naturally

Low humidity in our homes can become a real issue and lead to ashy skin, allergies or cold. Buying a good humidifier is one of the ways to solve this problem, although they can be pretty pricey. If you want to humidify the air in your home naturally, read on to find out easy tips on how to do that.

Get houseplants

Houseplants can easily add humidity to the air in your home because they excrete water vapor if you water and mist them regularly.


Leave the bathroom door open

Do you know all that water vapor that’s released when you take a hot shower? Use it to humidify your home by leaving your bathroom door open.

Clothes drying racks

Instead of tossing your laundry in the dryer, use a rack to dry them and you’ll immediately boost the humidity in your home.


DIY humidifiers

You can easily create your own humidifiers without spending a lot of money. A well-known technique is to use a water bottle, a computer fan, and a sponge, but there are many other DIY tutorials you can find online.

Flower Vases

Use water-filled vases with your favorite flowers to add humidity. Place them on sunny windows and the water will slowly evaporate and release moisture into the air.