Don’t Let the Summer Heat Get to You, Here’s How to Stay Cool

Ice cream
Photo by Keriliwi on Unsplash

Summer is almost here! It’s time for pool parties, beach days, barbecues, and air-conditioners. The last has become somewhat of a necessity on sweltering days, but if you don’t have one, don’t panic. Here are some ways to cool down even if there’s no AC around. 

Strip Down

When temperatures hit the highs, the last thing you feel like is being touched—and that includes clothing. Feel free to strip down to the bare essentials (ahem) when home alone. When amongst people, breathable fabrics like linen and cotton are your best friends.

Cold Foods and Drinks

There’s nothing quite like having a cold glass of water when you’re overheating. It is super important to keep hydrated (especially when it’s hot) but you don’t have to stop there when it comes to consuming cold things. Frozen berries, pineapple, and grapes can all do the trick—and don’t forget about a scoop of ice cream. 

Cold Compress

One of the quickest ways of cooling down is by placing a cold compress on your head. It is as simple as wetting a cloth and holding it against your forehead. If you prefer something even cooler, grab some frozen peas out of the freezer and wrap them in a towel.