
Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. However, no matter how much preparation you put into it, things don't always go as you expect them to. When Kelly Barker was busy planning her dream wedding, she anticipated all the problems she might face along...
Couple sitting and playing music together
With busy schedules, constant digital distractions, and the pressure to always be "on," it's no wonder that genuine connection and quality time can sometimes take a backseat. But fear not, because there is a treasure trove of old-fashioned ways that couples used to bond, and it's time to bring...
Essential oils
Are you ready to embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation? Look no further than the world of essential oils for your next body massage. These tiny bottles of aromatic goodness have the power to enhance your massage experience and transport you to a state of pure bliss....
Adulthood comes with no shortage of responsibilities, and the older we get, the more maintaining and cultivating friendships seems to take a backseat. However, having a support network of meaningful connections plays an essential role in well-being at any age, so it’s important to make time to nurture these...
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to take time for ourselves. But here's a gentle reminder: it's important to carve out moments just for you. So, why not take yourself on solo dates? It's time to embrace the joy of your own company and...
In a time when the world is scary and we are worried about which way the economy is going, and what is going to happen to our future, those who are doing well are wondering how to celebrate their wins without coming across as bragging or insensitive. For those...
Priyanka Chopra at the Chanel NRDC dinner in 2018
When it comes to female empowerment, there are certain women who stand out as powerful trailblazers, inspiring millions with their achievements and resilience. From motivational speakers to entrepreneurs and influential actors, these women have made a significant impact on their respective fields. Let's take a closer look at three...
To-do list
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the clutter and chaos in your life? It's time to take control and get seriously organized! Being organized not only helps you find things more easily but also reduces stress and increases productivity. So, let's dive into five effective strategies that will...
Ice cream
Summer is almost here! It’s time for pool parties, beach days, barbecues, and air-conditioners. The last has become somewhat of a necessity on sweltering days, but if you don’t have one, don’t panic. Here are some ways to cool down even if there’s no AC around.  Strip Down When temperatures hit...
Couple holding hands
Making a relationship work takes effort. According to the theory of Dr. Gary Chapman, one of the keys to a lasting relationship is understanding which love language you and your partner respond to the most, then regularly putting it into practice. A love language is essentially the way one...

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