5 Things You Should Check Twice Before Booking Accommodation

A hotel room
Photo by Eunice Stahl on Unsplash

Accommodation can make or break your trip, and that’s why it’s extremely important to make the right choice. You can do it by thoroughly checking several important factors, starting with these five.


Reading reviews may be boring, but they can give you all the useful information you need. Even if the accommodation has a good rating, reviews can help you make the final verdict.

Hidden Fees

Certain types of accommodation aren’t always as cheap as they seem. Taxes, cleaning, and service fees may up their price, and you should add them all up to find the most affordable option.

Cancellation Policy

Are you 100% sure you’ll make it to your accommodation or could something change along the way? If your plans aren’t set in stone, look for a place with a flexible cancelation policy.


Never book accommodation before checking if its location suits your needs. Opt for a place that’s close to the attractions you want to visit, even if it’s a little bit more expensive.


Accommodation is also worth the extra cash if it’s equipped with all the facilities you need, such as a shared kitchen, private bathrooms, and free towels and toiletries.