3 Ways Our Relationship with Makeup Has Changed Post-Lockdown

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

During those weeks where we barely left the house, most of us waved goodbye to contouring and exchanged it for lie-ins and lazy afternoons. As the world slowly returns to normal, there are some makeup habits we picked up that we will be embracing moving forward.

Dare to Bare

During lockdown, we got pretty used to the sight of our face with no makeup on. Wearing makeup can be fun and a form of self-expression but sometimes, it can be added effort to our morning routine. Going makeup-free for a few weeks has been therapeutic in that it’s helped us embrace our natural beauty, even more so than before.


To Boost Our Mood

Getting ready with the girls is always fun but during lockdown, we earned a new appreciation of getting ready with ourselves—and going nowhere. Makeup can be a great way to practice self-care and boost your mood, even when there’s no night out at the end of it.


Going Virtual

Since lockdown, more and more of us have been watching YouTube tutorials, downloading beauty apps, and giving virtual makeup try-ons a go. Technology is playing an increasingly important role in our lives both for safety and for fun. And we’re stoked on the virtual options that are available.
