3 Breakfast Options That Aren’t Great

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day, but it’s even more important what you eat. Here are some of the worst breakfast options you should absolutely avoid.

Fruit Shakes

Every kind of fruit shake, juice, or fruit yogurt will give you energy in the morning but you’ll quickly be out of it. That’s because this type of breakfast is filled with sugar that’s not going to keep you full for a long time. Instead, it’s better to eat a piece of fruit with regular yogurt and add some protein like peanut butter.



A bakery may be your source of breakfast when you’re in a hurry, but most of the things you can get there contain a lot of salt, sugar, fats, and additives – all things you should avoid in the morning. If you love pastry for breakfast, pick a whole wheat one and add some butter or cheese to it.


Fried Eggs with Processed Meat

Eggs with sausage or a salami sandwich may be delicious, but they’re not exactly the healthiest choice for breakfast. Instead, boil or poach an egg and combine it with a slice of toast and green tea.