You’re Probably Making These 3 Cleaning Mistakes

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Our homes need to be cleaned, and there’s not much we can do about it. But if you’re already spending time on these often mundane tasks, make sure you’re doing it effectively so your home can stay clean longer. These three mistakes are not easy to spot so make sure you’re not making them.

Smell Can Trick You

A clean smelling home sounds like a great idea, but the experts actually agree that clean space shouldn’t smell at all. Don’t overuse cleaning chemicals as they can be harmful to your health and let the fresh air in whenever you can.

You Don’t Read the Instructions

Cleaning agents come with the instructions and you should always read them in order to avoid damaging your skin or the furniture.

You’re Trying to Do All at Once

Often, when we want to clean every little corner right away, we only make the mess bigger. It may be better to make a weekly schedule and clean different areas one at a time, so the process of cleaning won’t overwhelm you.