Your Electric Mixer Can Do So Much More Than You Think

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An electric hand mixer is a tool that every cook should have around; whether you need to whip up some frosting for cupcakes or the cupcake batter itself, an electric hand mixer is the easiest way to do it all. But, there are some ways to use the mixer and the beaters by themselves that you would have never thought of. Here are three things you never thought you could make with your electric hand mixer.

Kiwi Slices

The best and worst part of a fruit salad is the peeling the kiwi and chopping up the meat. Now, you don’t have to! Just cut the kiwi in half, use one of the beaters from the mixer to cut it into sections, and twist until they become loose. Dump into a bowl with other fruit and the party is on!

Shredded Chicken

No need to use two forks to shred your chicken for taco night, just go in with your electric hand mixer and it does all the heavy lifting for you.

Veggie Dip

Trying to mix cream cheese by hand is difficult and tedious. Instead, when you make your veggie dips, use your electric hand mixer and you’ll be done in no time.