You Should Forget about Getting the Perfect Six-Pack, It’s Overrated

A woman working out
Photo by Tony Woodhead on Unsplash

Most people dream about having those perfect six-pack abs that look both healthy and attractive, but we usually forget that getting a six-pack is harder than it looks. Here are a few good reasons why six-pack abs are often overrated.

They have no real purpose

Having visible six-pack abs sounds appealing to many people because they look great and can make you look more attractive. However, the truth is that six-pack has absolutely no functional purpose, and having them doesn’t mean your core or back muscles are stronger.

A six-pack doesn’t mean strong abs

People usually associate visible six-pack abs with strong core muscles, which is a big mistake. Standard ab exercises are more than enough to build a strong core, and just because you don’t have a six-pack doesn’t mean your ab muscles are not strong enough.

It takes a lot of work

You won’t get those perfect six-pack abs just by doing standard ab exercises such as planks, crunches, or squats. Getting and maintaining a six-pack requires lots of constant work and dietary changes, which is something that a lot people are not aware of.