Useful Tips For Developing a Reading Habit

Even though we love reading more than anything, sometimes it’s pretty hard to find time and motivation to read on a regular basis. However, reading is a skill that you can practice, and here are a few tips on how to do that.

Setting Your Goal

Setting a specific goal and sticking to your plan is the first step you have to take. For example, some people have a goal of reading 24 books in a year. Think about how many books you can read in a month and try to achieve this goal.

Create a List of Books

This is also one of the ways to motivate yourself to read more. Every time you discover a new, interesting book, write it down on your reading list. This will not only help you stay focused and organized, but it’ll also motivate you to read faster.

Read at Least 15 Pages a Day

Even though you’ve had a busy day, try to find at least a half an hour to read a few pages of your book. Let’s face it – every day is pretty busy and waiting until you have a free afternoon to read your book sounds pretty silly.

Join a Book Club

If you’re a true book worm, this is one of the best decisions you can make. Finding a group of people who share your passion for reading and discussing the book you’ve read with them, will probably be the best motivation for you to develop reading habits.