Try This Homemade Hand Cream For The Softest Skin Ever

Hand Balm
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A variety of things can make the skin on our hands dry – too much hot water, soap, beauty products, or cleaning products. You may have tried multiple store-bought creams to soothe your dry skin, but there is a simple, homemade balm that will smooth out even the driest of skin. Read on for instructions on how to make the best homemade hand cream.


1 cup of coconut oil

1 cup of beeswax (buy online or from a local apiary)

¼ cup of cornstarch

1 tablespoon of honey


In a pan, melt the coconut oil and then whisk the cornstarch into the mix. Allow to cool, then transfer to a blender. Whisk the coconut oil and cornstarch with the beeswax, pulsing the blender on and off for up to five minutes. When the mixture has fully emulsified, add the honey and blend for a further 30 seconds.

Decant into a sealable pot or bottle. To use as a hand cream, you will only need a tiny amount and you will need to allow it time to sink into your skin. Invest in a silk or cotton cloth, to dab off any excess.