Tips From Marie Kondo to Rebalance Your Space

You may have come across Marie Kondo on Netflix where she helps couples and individuals change their outlook on organization and cleanliness. She starts by talking to the people to understand where they come from before jumping into teaching them how to tidy their homes.

She’s also the author of Spark Joy where she talks about the art of organizing one’s belongings. She’s a firm believer in decluttering messes at home to achieve a heightened state of awareness. These simple tips will help motivate you to start thinking about things in your home that don’t spark joy.

Store Vertically

Marie Kondo mentions that putting things vertically into place will help you see things more easily. It’s better for the eyes and creates the illusion of having more space.

Designate Spaces

Assign a place for all your beloved belongings including hats and books. When you put one object of the same variety in one place, you won’t have to worry about losing things such as socks.

Try the KonMari Method

When it comes to folding towels or any kind of belongings, it’s much better to roll them up neatly to save space. Not only will your belongings look more aesthetic, but you’ll also save time searching for them.