This Spicy Tuna Avocado Recipe is the Best Snack

Healthy, delicious snacks are always welcomed. Avocado and tuna are officially the perfect fit thanks to this latest recipe. If you have some extra time on your hands don’t forget to try it. All you need is ten minutes to prepare the spicy tuna avocado for one serving.


Grab one avocado and a small can of tuna to start off. You will also need lime juice, 1 teaspoon mayonnaise, chopped chives, 1 teaspoon grainy mustard, sriracha, and some salt and pepper. Make sure that you pit the avocado first. Regarding the salt and pepper, you should add to your liking.

How To Make It:

The spicy tuna avocado recipe is simple, and you don’t have to be a pro to make it. Once you’ve pitted the avocado, you can start filling it with the tuna mixture. Get a bowl and add the mayonnaise, tuna, mustard, chives, lime juice, salt, and pepper in. Mix everything together to get an even mixture. Grab a spoon and start filling the avocado halves with the mixture. Once that’s done, spice it up with some sriracha on top. This is the perfect snack to take with you at work or prepare for guests. Even picky eaters will love how it tastes.