This is How Room Color Can Affect Our Mood

Choosing the perfect room color is not only a matter of aesthetics. Colors affect our mood more than we can possibly imagine, so make sure to do some research before you paint your walls next time. This is how some colors can affect the mood in your home.

Purple For Coziness

Purple is not a common color for decorating living rooms and it’s usually used for a child’s bedroom. However, rich colors like deep purple have a powerful and sophisticated vibe, which makes them a perfect choice if you want to feel cozy in your room.

Light Blue For Calm and Clarity

Lighter shades of blue have a calming effect, as they’re usually associated with the sky or water. This color is not reserved only for children’s room and it’s perfect if you want to give your home a soothing and relaxing vibe.

Green For Relaxing

Green is a suitable color for any room in your house and just like light blues, it’s great for relaxing. Green is associated with nature, and we all know the benefits of spending time outdoors.

Orange For Energy

This is an energizing color that evokes excitement and enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it’s best not to use orange as the main color as it tends to have a frustrating effect in larger amounts (same as red or yellow). Still, it looks great when combined with other colors, like blue for example.