Things You Should Stop Doing To Your Hair

Photo by Shari Sirotnak on Unsplash

Everyone dreams of having healthy, silky smooth locks. We spend hundreds of dollars on special products, waste our time on lengthy treatments and sometimes we remain unsatisfied with our hair. If you are making any of these mistakes, now is the time to put them to an end and watch your hair live its life to the fullest.

Stop Over-brushing

There’s no need to allow your hair to suffer through 100 strokes. This can cause unnecessary damage and breakage. Just a few strokes are needed to tame knots.

No More Constant Ponytails

Even if it’s your go-to look, tying up your hair 24/7 can lead to a serious weakening of your hair shaft.

Don’t Wash Daily

Washing your hair every day can strip it of its natural oils and proteins. Invest in a bottle of dry shampoo and choose to wash your hair only when it’s completely necessary.

Stay Away From High Heat

Straighteners, curlers and hair dryers are fun to use occasionally, but the constant use of hot tools can cause extreme damage to your hair. If you absolutely must use heat, apply a few sprays of heat protectant product to shield your locks.