Things You Can Do That Will Help You Sleep Better

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Is there a secret to a good night’s sleep? This is a difficult question, as it doesn’t only have one answer. Different people will benefit from different routines, but we’ve gathered several that have proven to be effective for the most people who have tried them.


When your body is active during the day, you use up the energy and become physically tired by the evening.


Sunlight provides you with Vitamin D and rises your melatonin levels. Both these effects of sunlight will help you sleep better at night.

No Long Naps

If you need naps to get you through the day, make sure they are no longer than 20 minutes at a time. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fall asleep at your regular time in the evening.

Get Out of the Bedroom

Your bedroom should have only two purposes – sleeping and getting intimate with your partner. Don’t work on your bed, don’t eat on your bed, and basically don’t spend any time in your bedroom when you’re not sleeping or having sex. Help your brain associate the bedroom with those two things so you won’t have troubles falling asleep.