These Plants are Good if You Have Allergies

Photo by Julian Christ on Unsplash

If you have problems with allergies and you can’t imagine getting your nose near flowers, we have a solution for you. Although you can use medicines that should keep you safe from allergies, the danger is always near. That’s why we would like to show you some plants that are safe for you to be near and will add joy to your home without a fear.


This is a poisonous flower actually, but it doesn’t release pollen to the wind as it’s dependent on insects for pollination. You can be safe near azaleas if you suffer from hay fever, but don’t sniff azalea bloom too closely.


Begonias are known to shed little amounts of pollen and it’s a good thing for people who suffer from allergies. Begonias are very popular, so if you want to have some flowers in the garden, but if you suffer from allergies you can consider planting begonias.


The flowers of bougainvillea are actually the bracts surrounding the flowers. The flowers are actually hidden inside the colorful bracts and they produce very little pollen which is great for people who want to enjoy surrounded by flowers but can’t because of hay fever.