Take Your Bath Routine to The Next Level

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Want to take your hot baths to the next level and match them to your needs and mood? Use different essential oils to create three perfect hot baths to relax, soothe muscles, and boost mood.

Relaxation Bath

Most of us use hot baths to relax at the end of the day, reduce stress levels and forget about our problems. Adding any essential oil will help you achieve this, but this formula will help you prepare the ultimate relaxing bath.

Mix 5 drops lavender, 4 drops chamomile, and 3 drops frankincense to make the perfect relaxation bath.


Muscle-Soothing Bath

Relieving stress is not the only benefit of hot baths. A nice relaxing bath at the end of the day can help you soothe sore, overworked and tired muscles by boosting blood circulation.

To make the best muscle-soothing bath, combine 5 drops marjoram, 4 drops lemongrass, and 3 drops lavender.


Mood Boost Bath

Do you need to boost your energy levels, improve concentration and focus and be in a good mood the next day? Most hot baths can help you do this, but make sure to try this formula for and awesome mood-boosting bath.

Mix 5 drops lemon, 3 drops rosemary, and 2 drops thyme linalool.