Tag: life

In the past few years, you may have started hearing the term "life coach" for the first time and wondered what the heck all the hype is about. Well, here are the answers to all your questions. A life coach is a person you can hire, like a personal trainer,...
Given so many social media posts on the topic, you probably already know that you're not the only one who doesn't feel their best right now. The same feeling has probably been following you since the beginning of this year and there's a good reason for it. Have you...
How you spend the last few hours of your day is just as important as how you start your day. Achieving a perfect evening routine may take some time, but it comes with so many benefits like better sleep, increased productivity, better mood, etc. Here's what to include in...
Many people have a (bad) habit of taking good things for granted. We rarely say nice things to people around us because they are implied, while we always point out the things that bother us. Because of that, our minds become occupied with negative thoughts and our relationships are...
As we grow up, some things tend to surprise and disappoint us, but we eventually realize that most negative things we had to face were actually lessons that made us understand life a little better. Remember the things that worried you five or ten years ago - do they...

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