Tag: home

You can do a lot for your home in just 10 minutes. If you don't believe us, set a timer for ten minutes and try to do as much work as possible. Once the time is up, you'll be surprised how much better and tidier your place looks! If...
Low humidity in our homes can become a real issue and lead to ashy skin, allergies or cold. Buying a good humidifier is one of the ways to solve this problem, although they can be pretty pricey. If you want to humidify the air in your home naturally, read...
Minimalist living is all about decluttering your life and living with less, and believe us when we say — it's even better than it sounds. Thanks to social media, we're able to take a look into the lives of people who live in tiny, but the most adorable homes...
Having a spacious apartment with big windows and plenty of sunlight during the day is the luxury that many of us can’t afford. Fortunately, there are some pretty easy hacks to make your apartment look bright. Read on to find out how. Embrace white walls The easiest way to brighten...
In the world around us, trends change all the time. It's impossible to avoid this as most new trends become a type of unwritten rule that we feel the need to follow whether it makes sense or not. If you're thinking about changing something in your home this year,...
There's a new emerging interior design trend that will be particularly welcomed by all the introverts out there. You can probably relate if you're someone who prefers being alone and always needs to "recharge" after spending time with other people. For you and others who feel like this, a...
You don’t need to spend tons of money on cleaning products when you can make our own natural cleaning spray using common household ingredients. If you don’t believe us, you’ll probably be even more surprised to hear that you can make only one product to clean your entire home...
If you're looking for ways to update your home interior for 2020 then look no further then these new trends. You don’t have to re-do your entire home, you can pick one room and find a style from the list below that suits you and your needs. If you...
If you’re a sucker for a nice scented candle and you’re worried about the potential health risks of using them on a regular basis, it’s time to consider switching to natural, non-toxic candles. There are many companies that use natural ingredients for making candles such as soy wax or...
People who spend a lot of time in the kitchen on a daily basis probably know that it’s pretty hard keeping this space clean and organized all the time. However, there are some hacks that can help you organize and use all the space in your kitchen. Organize Drawers Let’s face it –...

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