Tag: guests

Dinner party
Being a gracious and thoughtful guest not only leaves a lasting impression but also enhances the overall experience for both you and your host. Whether you're attending a dinner party, staying overnight at a friend's house, or visiting someone's vacation home, understanding guest etiquette is essential. Here are some...
If you're a neat-freak chances are you have a no-shoes policy in your home. But, can you ask your guests to remove their shoes when they enter your home? The answer is yes, and here's the polite way to do so. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qaS3XlqYL/ Give Advanced Warning When hosting guests, you want to make...
Spending time with friends and family is what Christmas is all about. If that means you’ll have guests in your home around the holidays, here’s how to prepare for it. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4agM5eFlF9/ Cozy Sleeping Place You want your guests to feel comfortable and welcome, and the most important step towards that is to...

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