Tag: clothing swap

In the past decade, thrifting has gone from a small, niche thing that some people even felt ashamed of doing to a full-blown phenomenon. But not every city has good, affordable thrift stores in it, so what other options for convenient secondhand shopping do you have? Enter: clothing swaps....
Clothing swaps are exactly what we need in this day and age. It's a time to bring friends and acquaintances together through the common need for all of us; clothes! Clothing swaps are not only a fun social time to hang out, but they also save people money and they...
Second-hand clothes can come in a lot of different forms; whether you're looking online, in a charity shop, in a vintage store, or even in an app, everyone seems to be interested in the not-so-new for a variety of reasons. If you are someone who doesn't feel comfortable with...

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